Laser Facial



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The downtime varies but generally patients can resume normal activities within a day.

One of our highly skilled nurses will gift you will a mini size serum to apply to ensure our clients skin is in optimal condition post treatment.
Following a laser treatment, it's generally advisable to avoid skincare products containing harsh or potentially irritating ingredients that could exacerbate sensitivity. Common active ingredients to avoid post-laser treatment include:

1. *Retinoids (Retin-A, Retinol):* These can be too harsh for post-laser skin and may increase irritation or redness.

2. *Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) and Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHAs):* Glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and similar exfoliating acids can be too abrasive for recently treated skin.

3. *Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic Acid):* While Vitamin C is generally beneficial for the skin, high concentrations or acidic forms may be too intense immediately after laser treatment.

4. *Benzoyl Peroxide:* This can be overly drying and irritating to sensitive post-laser skin.

5. *Fragrances and Essential Oils:* Products with added fragrances or essential oils may cause irritation or allergic reactions.

6. *Harsh Cleansers:* Avoid abrasive or exfoliating cleansers, as your skin will likely be more sensitive and prone to irritation.

Always follow the specific post-care instructions provided by our skincare professionals, as we can tailor recommendations based on the type of laser treatment and your individual skin needs. It's crucial to prioritize gentle and hydrating skincare during the initial healing phase.

Yes. our prepay treatments have an expiry period. The standard expiry period for prepays is 12 months.

You can expect an immediate result and improvements in your skin tone and texture. This is the perfect treatment before an event as a non invasive treatment it requires minimal downtime.

There is minimal downtime with this treatment and side effects may include redness, swelling and sensitivity. These side effects are temporary and will subside with correct aftercare. You can expect peeling and darkening of the treated pigmentation around 3-5 days after the treatment. This usually lasts 7-10 days. We recommend following the aftercare procedures provided by your Skin Therapist.

While this treatment does help with new wounds and active acne, it does not specifically treat existing scarring. Any existing scarring will require advanced treatments such as Skin Needling and Cosmetic Grade Peels in conjunction with our LED Light Therapy for best results.

You will see an immediate result of visibly brightened skin and less blemishes within 5/12 days post treatment. As a rule of thumb the body needs about 12 weeks to rebuild collagen to make the skin fuller and plump. This is a fairly short period of time given that it takes years to degrade collagen in a way that causes visible signs of aging.

With Pico technology from
Switzerland we have minimal aowntime of 48/72 hours.

Everyone skin will respond to treatment different and depending on the desired outcome. We reccomend it anywhere from 1-3 treatments 4 months apart for optimal results . Ensuring you are using skin care regimen specially tailored to your concerns will also optimise results. Wearing an SPF is very important to avoid any pigment returning!

1. *Pregnancy:* Laser treatments are generally not recommended during pregnancy due to potential risks to the developing fetus.

2. *Recent Sun Exposure or Tanning:* Individuals with recent sun exposure or those with a recent tan may be at an increased risk of adverse reactions, such as pigmentation changes or burns.

3. *Active Infections or Cold Sores:* Laser treatments can exacerbate active infections or cold sores, so it's advisable to postpone the procedure until these conditions have resolved.

4. *Use of Photosensitizing Medications:* Certain medications can make the skin more sensitive to light. It's crucial to inform the practitioner of any medications, especially photosensitizing ones.

5. *History of Keloid Scarring:* People with a history of keloid scarring may be at an increased risk of developing excessive scars in response to laser treatment.

6. *Skin Conditions or Disorders:* Certain skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, or active dermatitis, may be contraindications for laser treatments.

7. *Open Wounds or Cuts:* Laser treatments should not be performed on areas with open wounds or cuts, as this may increase the risk of infection.

8. *History of Hypertrophic Scarring:* Individuals with a history of hypertrophic scarring, where scars become raised and thickened, may need to exercise caution with laser treatments.

9. *Recent Chemical Peels or Dermabrasion:* Laser treatments may be contraindicated for individuals who have undergone recent chemical peels or dermabrasion, as the skin needs time to heal between procedures.

10. *Epilepsy or Light Sensitivity Disorders:* Individuals with epilepsy or light sensitivity disorders may be at an increased risk of adverse reactions to the intense light produced by lasers.

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